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List of Top Android File Manager Apps – Free File Manger For Your Mobile Phone

On Android, there is a lot of freedom to those who want it. Unlike some of the other operating systems in the market, you can truly make your experience your own. Today, we are going to walk you through some of the best file manager apps for Android. Let’ shave a look.

ES File Explorer

I remember ES file explorer as possibly the oldest file explorer. In case you are wondering, I have been using this file explorer since the day of the original HTC Desire that I had rooted. Over the course of its history, the file explorer has improved a lot, and has become one of the most revered file explorers in the market for people who are looking to use something simple, and highly effective.

Asus File Manager

The good thing about file managers in the modern day and age is that the ones that are being developed by OEMs are also hitting the market. This means that file explorers from companies like Asus are already available to download on the Play Store, and can be downloaded on any device as long as it supports it. The Asus File Manager is packed with amazing features, and is extremely convenient and easy to use for beginners, and advanced users.

Xiaomi File Manager

Just as Asus released their own file manager and allowed users to download it, Xiaomi took the same route. Even though we all know that the core functionality of a file manager. The Xiaomi File Manager is light enough to allow the users use it without having their battery begging for mercy, and the best part is that it does not lag either. The overall look and feel of the explorer is also great, and minimalistic.

Solid File Explorer

Another great example of a highly functional yet simple and easy to use file explorer is Solid File Explorer. While the name does sound something like a tongue in cheek commercial, but the good thing is that the functionality is not lost at all. If you want a solid, relatively easy experience, this is the way to go when it comes to a great file explorer. Plus, it runs on nearly every phone, and does not require you to have a flagship device.

File Manager File Explorer (Maple Media)

Another great file explorer that is available on the Google Play Store is by Maple Media, and while the file explorer works perfectly fine, there is one thing that I do not understand here and that happens to be the name of the file explorer itself. For instance, it is called File Manager File Explorer, which is just confusing to say the least, for many people, it returns with search results that do not make sense either.

GM Files (General Mobile Official)

The last file manager on the list is GM Files from General Mobile Official. Now, this is the case of a file manager that is very much convoluted when it comes to name. However, name does not reflect the actual functionality of the file explorer itself as it happens to be one of the most efficient and well developed file manager. Throughout my user experience, I did not run into any issues with the performance, and everything was as smooth as it could have been. The file explorer is also easy to use, so you really should not have any issue with it.


The entire list talks about the best file explorer apps that you can download from Play Store. The best part is that they are completely free, so you really should not have any issues.

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